5 Ocak 2012 Perşembe

Catch up - Reported Speech - Exercises

1 yorum:

  1. 1)that How old I was
    2)that whether I was married or single
    3)that I had any children
    4)which university I graduated from
    5)that How many foreign languages I speoke
    6)that whether I had done this kind of work before
    7)that Why I was leaving my present job
    8)that whether I could overtime twice a week
    9)And the last question!

    2)He said that he was living in london
    3)He said that they were getting married the following month
    4)He said that his sister had had a baby
    5)He said that he didn't know what Frank was doing
    6)He said that he had seen Helen at a party in June and her seemed fine
    7)He said that he hadn't seen Diane recently
    8)He said that he wasn't enjoying his job very much
    9)He said that they could came and stay at his place if they were ever in London
    10)He said that his car had been stolen a few days before
    11)He said that he wanted to go on holiday ,but he couldn't afford it.
    12)He said that he would tell Chris he had seen they

